
Thursday, November 25, 2010


I hope everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving! We had a very nice time over at a friend's house today. I was able to cook a few of my favorite dishes (sweet potato casserole with pecans on top and apple crisp) and I didn't have to wrestle a big ole turkey. Definitely a win-win. I am so stuffed right now...

Not just with food, but also with Menopur. First injection was tonight - just a few moments ago. Funny how a needle makes it all so much more real. Jason and I are scared out of our minds, but we are holding steady to our rock, our God.

So tonight I am thankful for a number of things:

  • Thankful most of all for my Jesus... that He loves me. I am nothing without Him.
  • Thankful for my husband... my rock. He is my one true North in life.
  • Thankful for my Michael... my joy, my laughter.
  • Thankful for my angel babies in heaven... may they know I love them.
  • Thankful for broken cycles.... my past, the ugliness of my family tree.
  • Thankful for unexpected phone calls...
  • Just thankful...